BONUS: Profitable Local FaceBook & Instagram Ads

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Why this works: Most people believe that if they simply post to social that everyone they want to see it, will. This is simply not true. Sure, some posts can reach a large number of people but most do not. Most posts will only reach 1% – 5% of your target audience.

That is why you must be ready to run paid ads.

GOOD NEWS: You do not need to break the bank to make this work. In most cases you only need a budget of $1/day – $5/day.

In the video above you will see exactly how we set these up. Below you will see a rapid action bullet point breakdown to help you make it simple!

IMPORTANT: You will want to make sure you have a good website that is connected to FaceBook/Instagram. This is why I strongly recommend using a platform like Shopify or SquareSpace. Will this ad technique work with a different site? It can, but you will not be able to track the results.

  • In your account click on “Create New Ad”
  • Name your ad: Your Brand – What You Are Selling – Goal – Start Date – Ad Version
  • Example: MC-LiveWorkshops-SLS-12.06.23-01 (MyCharcuterie-Workshops-Sales-Date-Version)
  • Select your pixel and goal (Your brand pixel + conversion goal of sales)
  • Set your budget of $1 – $5/day
  • Select your target audience (15 miles from your town + age range + gender)
  • Create your ad by using an existing post (or test a new ad)
  • Select your main page (your brand FB/IG page)
  • Pick “Use Existing Post”
  • Select the post you want to use
  • Verify it looks good
  • Hit “Publish”
  • Allow your ad to run for