The rule of the day is “User Generated Content”. UGC for short. The reason this sort of content is so popular is because it doesn’t look AT ALL like a flashy commercial.
This is great for content creators because it means you don’t need to buy thousands of dollars of equipment! Especially not if you’re just getting started.
Smartphone Cameras:
You should be just fine using an iPhone Pro or Pro Max 12 or higher.
Google/Android and similar high-end smart phones with high resolution cameras are also great.
Your Space:
Because being a content creator DOES NOT mean you are also catering/serving in a commercial way, you DO NOT need any special permits or licenses.
However, you will want to be sure to have a well lit, clean space where you are able to take photos & videos at will.
Additional Equipment:
Depending on what kind of content you are making, it could make sense to purchase a tripod or two. These can be very low cost and can be found on Amazon.com.