Social Growth System Overview

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NOTE: You’ll want to start this AFTER you have your core brand/social/site set up.

Software Needs:

  • Giveaway software: KingSumo
  • Autoresponder: MailChimp/Aweber (MC for free KingSumo)

Brand & Social Needs:

  • Make sure you have your brand set up
  • Have your social fortress setup
    – FB business page
    – IG business page
    – Pinterest business page
  • Have your brands gmail account registered
  • Your FaceBook Business account
    – Your FB advertising account

Graphic Needs:

  • Note: Have at least 6 different look/feels of each graphic made
  • Start with 6 social “Squares” for IG/FB (Great for ads)
    – 1200×1200 pixels
    – Have 12 – 36 on standby for future ad updates
  • “Tower” giveaway graphics (good idea to start with 2-3)
    – 1000 x 1500 pixels
  • Landscape version
    – 1200 x 628

Automation Needs:

  • Giveaway specific list in Autoresponder
  • 5-10 part follow up sequence

Prize Needs:

  • Affordable to award every 90 day cycle
  • Hyper theme focused: charcuterie gift basket/board
  • Retail value should be at least $150
    – You can offer exclusive prize from us if you like
  • Everybody wins prize: You can offer a virtual charcuterie class recording ($79 value)


  • Expect this to be mostly “front-loaded” effort
  • Expect to run MANY ad variations before finding the best one
  • Expect to continue testing MANY ads over time
  • Expect to continue running this in the background for 1-3 years (why would you quit something awesome?!)