Vital First Positions To Fill

It can often be difficult for entrepreneurs to know WHO to hire and WHEN. This fast breakdown should help you make that process MUCH easier!

Basic Business:

  • Bookkeepeer
    • Stay organized
  • Accountant
    • Quarterly/Yearly tax needs
  • Insurance
    • Help get various needed policies
    • Ex: Liability insurance etc
  • Legal
    • For help with incorporation

Vital Business Assets:

  • Graphic designer (Find First!)
    • For logo/brand creation
  • Social media content manager (Find Second)
    • Content creation (basic images/videos/text)
    • Monthly strategy
    • Posting scheduling
    • Engage with audience/DMs/Emails/Comments
  • Project Manager
  • Sales multiplier reach out
    • Email/Call local sales multiplier prospects to set appointments
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