Welcome to the ICA Content Creators membership! If you are one of the first to join, THANK YOU! You are going to love this as it grows and evolves.

IMPORTANT: As we are just now getting started, you’ll want to keep an eye on your inbox for updates about training, brand opportunities, live calls and ICA themes & content.
Please make sure to bookmark this page and return often!
The first thing you’ll want to do is on the next section: Complete your creator intake form!
This will allow us to know you’re here AND to set you up with your own Google drive folder. This will be a folder that’s shared with us that lets you upload your content quickly and easily.
If you do not yet have a free Gmail account, please go to Gmail.com and set one up.
Creating Consistent Content For The ICA
Part of what will help you grow your content portfolio as well as your following and brand, is by joining in the awesome, monthly themes we are featuring at the ICA!
You’ll find the next few months schedules posted on the ICA Content Calendar page. (the lesson following this one)
You will also want to join (of if you can’t make them live, please catch the replays) of our content creator Zoom meetings. During these meetings we will give a breakdown of what content we’re looking for, answer your questions and introduce any new brands who have come on board!
Welcome Zoom Call Details:
Please add the following info to your calendar.
International Charcuterie Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ICA Content Creators Welcome Meeting
Time: Jan 24, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 1405 6548
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Meeting ID: 896 1405 6548
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