Setting Up Your Site

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Website Pages Checklists:
Download >> 'MCB-ProductListingChecklist.pdf'

Download >> 'MCB-WebsitePagesChecklist.pdf'

Product Listing Checklist
  1. Product Title
    Clear and descriptive name
    Incorporate key search terms where applicable
  2. High-Quality Images
    Multiple angles of the product
    Image of the product in use, if applicable
    High resolution for zooming functionality
  3. Product Description
    Detailed explanation of the product
    List of ingredients and possible allergens
    Usage or serving instructions
  4. Price
    Regular price and sale price (if applicable)
    Currency options for international customers
  5. Availability Status
    In-stock, out-of-stock, or pre-order status
    Estimated shipping or delivery time
  6. Variants and Options
    Different sizes, flavors, or other variations
    Clear selection tools (drop-down menus or buttons)
  7. Add to Cart Button
    Prominent and easy to find
    Quick-add option for expedited shopping
  8. Social Share Buttons
    Allow customers to share the product on social media
  9. Customer Reviews and Ratings
    Show ratings and reviews from previous customers
    Include an option to write a review
  10. Related Products Section
    Suggest similar or complementary products
  11. SEO Optimization
    Use of targeted keywords in the title and description
    Alt text for images
  12. Shipping Information
    Shipping options and costs
    Link to detailed shipping policy
  13. Return and Warranty Information
    Clear return policy and warranty detail
    Link to detailed policy page
  14. Call-to-Action for Upsells or Subscriptions
    Special offers, bundles, or subscription options
    Clearly highlight the benefits of these offers
  15. Safety and Compliance Icons
    Display relevant certifications or safety symbols (e.g., gluten-free)
    Compliance with food regulations